HINTON W.Va. (WVDN) – Your presence is requested on Monday, Jan. 20, from 3 to 5 p.m. at Ascension Episcopal Church.
Organizers of the event said, “This is an important day. We will recognize the inauguration of Donald Trump as our new president. We will also celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.
“We live in a nation that has become increasingly polarized. We have the choice to withdraw, seek out ‘our own people,’ and further divide ourselves. This is one option but it is not a solution.
“The other choice is to come together. We invite you to join in listening, discussing and sharing your thoughts on how to help bring people together. We will focus on the wisdom offered by the teachings of Jesus, the words of Martin Luther King Jr and the ideals set forth for our own country expressed in our constitution.
“Each one of us has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience over our lifetimes. Sharing that wisdom with others helps each of us to both expand our thinking and understand each other. We invite you to come together and to share.
“We will start the discussion with a panel. We will look at the ways advocated by Martin Luther King Jr, by Jesus Christ and by the principles set forth in the US constitution. Then together we will invite reflections, questions and comments. After this, we will have a break with snacks. It’s a long session. Please feel free to come and go as needed.
“After the break, we’ll have time to discuss ideas in small groups of 2 or 3. Then we will share our thoughts with the larger group. We will end with prayers.
“Coming together, listening to each other and considering the insight of other people is greatly needed both for understanding the challenges we face and formulating those actions we need to take based on our belifs. We need your help.
“We encourage you to come and bring friends. Everyone is welcome. Ascension Church is located at the corner of Temple and 5th Ave in Hinton. We will be meeting upstairs. If you have questions text or call Sister Nancy at 304-860-9446.”
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools”. – Martin Luther King, Jr., 1964
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