ALDERSON W.Va. (Hinton News) – The annual Holiday Children’s Book Drive is spearheaded by Sarah Alderson, fourth-generation owner of the amazing Alderson Store. She shares credit with a former employee who had the idea to give some of the books the store sells, to children.
“We commit to reaching our goals of putting West Virginia books in the hands of local children,” says Alderson.
For six and a half years she has worked tirelessly to reach as many children as possible. With your generous help, hundreds of children are connected to their heritage, one page at a time.
The book drive provides brand-new, West Virginia authored books to Alderson and Ronceverte elementary children, each Christmas. On the last day of school before the holiday break, Santa visits the schools and every student receives this precious gift. There are over 600 books researched, gathered, and distributed which is a huge undertaking. Alderson gives so much of her own time to this endeavor, beyond working her monumental store.
Her goal is to match West Virginia authors’ content, to the specific reading ability of each child. Not only is this a difficult yet satisfying feat, but due to the sparsity of West Virginia authors, Alderson searches for age-appropriate material beyond picture books, for children with different reading abilities. This double-edged effort supports the authors’ reach and allows children to hold a brand-new book of their own. Some books she finds are available for purchase at other small businesses. “I enjoy helping out other small businesses as well” reported Alderson. Others are found at large publishing houses.
More and more titles are found each year, which is a charming situation. More and more West Virginia authors planting seeds for more, future West Virginia Authors! In today’s world of inundating screen times and virtual worlds, instilling the love of reading by giving books is a gift in itself.
Alderson could use your help as 352 more books are needed by Dec. 20 to ensure that every child receives a book. And no child is ever left without one. Choices range from “Green Bank Science Activity Book, Maple Leaf Adventure, Cass Railroad Fun Book, Adirondack Colors & Activities (Mountaineer Series), Color Me A Mountaineer, Holiday Magic On the Farm, Every Living Thing, Counting on Katherine” to many, many more! Children love to read about and engage with their own state or town with a book called ‘My Stocking of Joy’ which is derived from the Ronceverte Fire Department’s stocking giveaway each Christmas. Chapter books such as “Hidden Figures, Holler of the Fireflies, and John Brown’s Raid” are also available for purchase for more advanced readers.
How to be a part of this magic? You may stop into The Alderson Store located at 320 N. Monroe St., Alderson, Wv 24910 and purchase a book or two or six, that will be given to a child in one of the two elementary schools. Another goal is to reach more schools and children. You may also follow Alderson on Facebook Alderson’s Store to send book requests & payments, use Paypal to order at, or send a check to P.O. Box 594 Alderson, Wv 24910. You may also call the store at 304-445-2851 for more information. The books average about $10 each. As for any West Virginia authors, she gladly accepts your books to donate! If you are or know of such, please reach out to Sarah Alderson.
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