SUMMERS COUNTY W.Va. (Hinton News) – What is UP? GEAR UP SWV that is. Parents/guardians of students enrolled in 7th and 8th grade at public schools in Mercer, Monroe, Summers, Raleigh, and Wyoming Counties are encouraged to attend upcoming workshops to find out.
The GEAR UP SWV team will be traveling to five counties in southern West Virginia in five days, over two weeks. During the events, parents can stop by to find out more about the GEAR UP SWV program and, the resources that will be provided to their students and schools over the next six years. The events will provide a place for parents to get to know the team that will be working with students. Guardians will also learn more about postsecondary options for students and how GEAR UP SWV can help them achieve their goals.
Each student who attends will be entered into a drawing to win a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) prize!
The program offers a wide variety of opportunities to students such as college campus visits, summer camps and more.
The tour will start for Wyoming County students at the Larry Joe Harless Community Center in Gilbert on Monday, Sept. 25 and at One Voice One Cup in Oceana, WV. The team will travel to The Loft at 1123 in Princeton to meet with Mercer County guardians on Tuesday, Sept. 26 and to Summers County on Wednesday, Sept. 27 at the McCreery Hotel in Hinton. On Tuesday, Oct. 3 GEAR UP SWV team will meet with Monroe guardians at the Lindside Methodist Church Social Hall. The tour will wrap up in Raleigh County on Wednesday, Oct. 4 at The Erma Byrd Higher Education Center in Beaver.
Parents can arrive anytime between 6 and 8 p.m. and should attend the location that works best for their schedule. The location does not have to be in the county where the student attends public school. Students are also welcome to attend. Dinner and supervised activities for students will be provided.
GEAR UP SWV is part of a grant program provided by the U.S. Department of Education. More information is available on GEAR UP SWV’s social media pages and on their website,
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