The undersigned Substitute Trustee, by virtue of the authority vested in it by that certain Deed of Trust dated July 29, 2022, and duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Summers County, West Virginia, in Deed of Trust Book 312, at Page 76, Clark K. Sizemore did convey unto Todd Taylor and Dan Kennedy, Trustees, certain real property described in said Deed of Trust; and the beneficiary has elected to appoint Pill & Pill, PLLC as Substitute Trustee by a Substitution of Trustee recorded in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office; and default having been made under the aforementioned Deed of Trust, and the undersigned Substitute Trustee having been instructed by the secured party to foreclose thereunder, will offer for sale at public auction at the front door of the Summers County Courthouse, in Hinton, West Virginia, on
November 19, 2024, at 10:00 AM
The following described real estate, with its improvements, easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in the Talcott District, Summers County, West Virginia, and more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING on a 1/2” I.P. in the center of a large sugar stump, original old corner in the line of Ellery and Donna Wykle; thence with Wykle S 35-18E 82.41 feet to a 1/2” I.P., original corner, 4 feet from a small maple at the end of the fence; thence S13-14E 116.54 feet with the to a 1/2” I.P.; original corner, the same being a corner to Carl C. and Dolly J. Yancy; thence with the fence and Yancy N79-17W 180.46 feet to a 1/2” I.P. in the corner of the fence and 3 feet southeast from an electric pole on the southeast side of the road; thence N8-37E 144.93 feet to a 1/2” I.P set 7 feet north of the centerline of the driveway; thence S74-43E 63.01 feet to the beginning, passing an electric pole, 40.01 feet.
AND BEING the same real estate conveyed unto Benjamin C. Reed and Alice F. Reed, his wife, by deed of Harold D. Richmond and Mona G. Richmond, his wife, dated the 3rd day of June, 1975, of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Court of Summers County, West Virginia, in Deed Book No. 120 at Page 143.
At the time of the execution of the Deed of Trust, this property was reported to have a mailing address of 137 Lonnie Mann Road, Hinton, WV 25951.
AND BEING the same real estate which was conveyed to Clark K. Sizemore, by Deed dated September 22, 1982, from Benjamin C. Reed and Alice F. Reed, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Summers County, West Virginia, in Deed Book 143, at Page 603.
The above-described property will be sold subject to any covenants, restrictions, easements, leases and conditions of record, and subject to any unpaid real estate taxes.
The subject property will be sold in “AS IS” condition. The Substitute Trustee shall be under no duty to cause any existing tenant or person occupying the subject property to vacate said property.
TERMS: Ten percent (10%) of the purchase price as a deposit with the balance due and payable within 30 days of the day of sale.
Pill & Pill, PLLC, Substitute Trustee
Richard A. Pill, Member
P. O. Box 440,
85 Aikens Center,
Martinsburg, WV 25404
Phone (304) 263-4971,
Fax (304) 267-5840,
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