SUMMERS COUNTY, (Hinton News) – Multiple roads are closed this evening due to high water levels and mudslides. At the time of writing, at least four roads are not passable.
According to Tri-County Fire Department, Route 3/12 at the Greenbrier/Summers county line around the Eagle Branch turnoff is closed. Talcott Fire Department confirms that Willowwood Road is closed on the Hinton end. The Department of Highways has blocked off Route 3/12 at the end of the Donald Wheeler Bridge (previously Willowwwood Bridge) going toward Forest Hill, due to a mudslide. Part of Whanger Road in Talcott is impassable.
Additionally, there is water in the roadway on Lowell Road at the Kellers Creek Road turnoff. It is unknown at this time whether or not the area is passable.
The National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Service reports that the gauge in Alderson is currently at 14.59 feet and is expected to begin a descent in the coming hours. The gauge at Hilldale has reached 17.89 feet. As a reminder, the flood stage at the Alderson gauge begins at 14 feet; at the Hilldale gauge, the action stage is 16 feet, and the flood stage begins at 20 feet.
Hinton News will continue to provide updates on road closures, reopenings and other related news.
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