CHARLESTON, W.Va. (Hinton News) – The West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History (WVDACH) announces a partnership with the Wing 2 Wing Foundation and the Save The Music Foundation. The Wing 2 Wing Foundation has contributed $280,000.00 to the WVDACH in its ongoing partnership with the Save The Music Foundation to enhance the continued instrument rebuild project in middle schools throughout the state of West Virginia. With this donation from the Wing 2 Wing Foundation, fourteen additional middle schools in 10 West Virginia counties over the next three years will benefit from the donation, ultimately reaching students across all 55 counties across the state. A full list is provided below.
“Making sure our kids have the resources they need to succeed should be a priority for all of us,” Gov. Justice said. “I’m happy to know that it’s a priority for the Wing 2 Wing Foundation because, with their donation, we are making sure students all across West Virginia have what they need to show their creativity. Music is one of the best forms of expression, and it warms my heart to know so many kids will have the opportunity to display their artistic talents.”
“With the generous support of the Wing 2 Wing Foundation, we now have the resources to achieve our goal of providing accessible music education in every eligible middle school throughout West Virginia,” said Chiho Feindler, Chief Program Officer for Save The Music. “This partnership allows us to supply quality instruments to students statewide, ensuring that all children have the opportunity to make music.”
The Wing 2 Wing Foundation was founded by Brad D. and Alys Smith to champion human dignity while unleashing human potential in West Virginia. Aspiration and talent are equally distributed across a population, but opportunity is not, and the Wing 2 Wing Foundation is focused on changing that reality through its support and investments in education, entrepreneurship and the environment. By leveling the playing field of opportunity throughout Appalachia, the Wing 2 Wing Foundation serves as a lighthouse for similar regions and communities across the globe.
“Prosperity occurs when we equip the next generation with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel, but this can only happen when access to education is truly equal,” said Brad D. Smith, President of Marshall University and Co-Founder of The Wing 2 Wing Foundation with his wife, Alys. “Playing in the school band had a significant impact on my and Alys’s educational experience during our youth and early adulthood, so we’re thrilled to enable similar experiences by expanding access to musical instruments throughout all 55 counties in West Virginia.”
Save The Music and Wing 2 Wing Foundation Schools:
Glenwood School – Mercer County
Harts PK8 – Lincoln County
Road Branch School – Wyoming County
South Charleston Middle School – Kanawha County
Spencer Middle School – Roane County
Valley Pk-8 School – Fayetteville County
Walton Middle School – Roane County
Burch PK-8 School – Mingo County
East Fairmont Middle School – Marion County
Green Bank PK8 – Pocahontas County
Southside PK-8 – McDowell County
West Fairmont – Marion County
Wing2Wing Foundation (2 Schools)
East Bank Middle School – Kanawha County
John Adams Middle School – Kanawha County
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