A lady told me this week that she looks forward to my column because it’s the only place she can get real info about real issues in West Virginia. Let’s get right to it.
SPECIAL SESSION. The trainwreck of a special session they began in early August…is still off the tracks. The legislature was supposed to provide clarity on abortion and prove tax relief; we accomplished neither. The legislature was supposed to be called back weeks ago to finish the job; our phones never rang.
TAX RELIEF. While the state sits on a $1.3 billion surplus from last year and already has a surplus of several hundred million this year, they refuse to provide the people any tax relief. Zero! It’s unconscionable. They act like it’s their money. We can’t afford to wait any longer. Inflation is costing our WV families over $400 extra per month.
ABORTION. After supermajorities in the WV House and WV Senate passed differing abortion bans, the differences were supposed to be worked out in conference committee. However, that never happened. We are told behind the scenes that those in power don’t want to deal with the issue until after the election for deer of upsetting voters. I think that’s just plain wrong. It needs to be settled. We proposed putting it on the ballot for voters to decide, but they refused and it’s now too late.
FAYETTE FLOODING. The Upper Kanawha Valley suffered serious flooding last month. I’ve visited the community several times to take relief supplies and see how the state can be helpful. I thank the WV National Guard and Conservation Agency for taking our calls and coming to assist residents with debris removal and stream cleanup. It was wonderful to see folks from across the region come together to assist neighbors in need.
FLOOD DEMOLITIONS. Two updates on this topic. One, Nicholas County is set to receive numerous demolitions through the Clearance & Demo program in Summersville and Richwood. Two, we continue making progress on another new program to demolish flooded homes and businesses across the state (which didn’t qualify for Clearance & Demo). There are hundreds of such properties across WV. By using American Rescue Plan dollars, we can fund these demolitions and finally allow communities to move forward from rotting buildings they can’t afford to tear down.
MONROE COURTHOUSE. After being closed for the last several years due to a mold issue, the Monroe County courthouse which was constructed in 1881 has received $5 million from the state for a rebuild. It was a true team effort!
WATER PROJECTS. Major water projects are underway in Greenbrier and Nicholas counties. Both projects received a mix of federal, state, and local funds. Summers County also has two water projects in process, and I’m working with their commissioners on finding sources to get them across the finish line. Soaring construction costs make infrastructure projects difficult right now. Water is life, and we will find a way.
ACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING FOR CHURCHES. It’s sad that it has come to offering active shooter training for schools and churches…but that’s where we are in America today. The FBI is hosting training for churches across the state this fall. For our region, the training will be on November 7, 2022, at Ronceverte Presbyterian Church. Pre-registration is required. https://bit.ly/3pQO7P8 I suggest folks sign up ASAP to secure a spot.
RELATED: Click here to see past editions of The Back Pew
That’s the view from the back pew, where it is my privilege to serve you.
Senator Stephen Baldwin is a local Presbyterian pastor. Reach him at 304-357-7959 or stephen.baldwin@wvsenate.gov. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram @BaldwinForWV.
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